15 Sources of Nutrition to Help Support Fertility and Pregnancy


Eating clean can be difficult when life is so busy and good sources of nutrition can be so hard to find, but when you want to have a baby it is so important to provide what your body needs and what your future baby will need.

When my husband and I really started trying to get pregnant, it took me several months to figure out that I may not be getting pregnant because my body is not being nourished in the way it needs to be to have great fertility. Also, my body may not be able to support a life if I'm not nourishing it with life supporting foods.

In this blog post, I’m sharing key foods and supplements that helped my body gear up for pregnancy. I’ll be covering:

How nutrition can play such a vital role when trying to get pregnant

How nutrition can affect your hormones

Specific foods/supplements to help fertility and pregnancy

Some foods/beverages to possibly lessen or remove from your intake

How to maintain nutritional needs throughout pregnancy

If you're ready to get that body prepared for pregnancy, let's get started!

  • Nutrition Plays a Vital Role When Trying to Get Pregnant

In the beginning of my journey of trying to have a baby, I was not paying close attention to what I was eating and drinking. My daily must-haves included coffee, some sort of sugar, and bread. While these foods and beverages were not necessarily “bad,” I was not exactly eating the most nourishing foods I could be.

The reason why it's so important to eat well when trying to conceive is that your body needs to be thriving in those wonderful vitamins and minerals to help support a new life!

Of course, I am not the creator of my children, but rather the Lord is the creator of life, but He has provided ways for us to take care of our bodies. If we are not good stewards of what He has given, it may affect the body's ability to support another life.

Also, God wants to give us the desires of our hearts, as long as those desires are aligned with His will (Psalm 37:3-5). So I would truly begin this journey in prayer before you do anything else!

Once you've gotten your heart in the right posture and believe moving forward in eating well to help fertility and pregnancy is the right move for you, then let's make some changes by cutting out some things and adding some key foods with tons of nutrients that can support a growing baby in your near future.

  • How nutrition affects your hormones

Nutrition is how we maintain the systems and functionality of our bodies, so if we are not providing our bodies with the proper nutrients then there will be deficiencies which lead to a problem in our systems.

Navigating how to eat can be so confusing these days because of all of the different opinions on what is best for our bodies and what is “bad” for this reason and that. For me and my family, I've found that simply sticking to more whole foods is best to support how we are functioning. We do eat out on occasion and buy some processed foods, but we are striving for eating real whole food a majority of the time.

  • Specific foods/supplements to help fertility and pregnancy

Now, to the real reason you're probably reading this post. This is a list of foods, beverages and supplements I started taking or increased my consumption to up my fertility game:

-Fortune Delight
-Sweet Potatoes
-Prenatal Vitamins
-Almond Milk
-Brown Rice

Fortune Delight is some amazing stuff! It's clean energy and doesn't cause a crash, plus it helps clear out free radicals that can occur from toxins found in our environment and food. The company has a few other supplements that I recommend for optimal preparation before baby such as this nutritional supplement to make sure you fill in any nutritional gaps.

Shakeology is the best protein powder I’ve ever had. It is jam packed with nutrition, low in sugar, and tastes sooo yummy! I recommend pairing it with oat milk because it makes it extra creamy, but that’s just a personal preference. Yes, it is a little more expensive, but trust me, it’s truly worth it!

  • Some foods/beverages to possibly lessen or remove from your intake

Along with adding some superfoods and supplements to increase my chances of pregnancy, I also lessened or removed certain things as well. You may want to avoid these as much as possible for best results, however, some may also be okay in moderate doses! Especially if it helps you relax and not stress about trying to get pregnant because stress is the worst for your body. Take this list and do some further research into any of them if you're interested in moderation amounts:


What we give our bodies really affects it's ability to function, including fertility and pregnancy. Also, you don't want to start a pregnancy already deficient because baby will take as much as it can get to grow and develop. If baby can't get enough nutrients it can cause some issues either during pregnancy, during birth, or after birth. So let's try to avoid the problems.

  • How to maintain nutritional needs throughout pregnancy

Yay! You got pregnant, but now you need to focus on how you maintain that optimal nutrition throughout your pregnancy when you're feeling awful, tired, and extra hungry. Try your best to eat well during pregnancy, get some exercise, and sleep as much as you can. If you want to know more about what to do in pregnancy to support a healthy pregnancy, you can find great nutritional information and support here!

  • If you want an organized supportive resource full of encouragement, lists, and step by step of how to promote your body for pregnancy. I have created an e-book just for you! You can find it here!

Once I started focusing on supporting my body with the right nutrition that it needed to grow a baby, I got pregnant the following month! In fact, both times I was ready to get pregnant I was being more mindful with what I was putting in my body. I truly should be more mindful all of the time, but I admit life happens and junk is easier sometimes! Nutrition affects the whole body though including hormones, but there are other factors besides nutrition so if you think it may be a hormone imbalance you can read more about that here.

To better understand your fertility health, start tracking your cycle! You can read more about tracking in my post 3 Reasons Tracking Your Cycle Can Help You Get Pregnant Quickly and How To Do It.

Once you've got nutrition under control, you can check out the other 5 Simple Changes I Made To Get Pregnant Faster. Our modern day life is filled with things that can actually inhibit pregnancy. I'm praying for you and hope your TTC journey is filled with contentment in the waiting and joy in the process! Feel free to reach out to let me know if any of this helped you or if you have any questions. You can contact me here.


5 Simple Changes I Made To Get Pregnant Faster 3 Reasons Tracking Your Cycle Can Help You Get Pregnant Quickly and How To Do It


3 Reasons Tracking Your Cycle Can Help You Get Pregnant Quickly and How To Do It


5 Simple Changes I Made To Get Pregnant Faster