Hello, I’m Randi Lynne!
Welcome to Loving My Little where parents can gain tips, share in the journey, and get access to items that help during this stage of life!
I am a Jesus follower and enjoy seeing my little family reflecting the sanctification process to become more like Christ during this time.
From wifehood to motherhood, pregnancy to postpartum and our family life, I want to share with you everything I have learned and am currently learning, giving you any resources I found useful along the way.
If you have any questions or want to share something you’ve learned, I encourage you to reach out!
More about me…
My husband and I were both working full-time jobs in opposite shifts to make sure our baby did not have to go into daycare. It was less than ideal, even though we both really enjoyed our jobs. I also really missed being with my baby.
We ended up leaving our jobs and moving to a new state where I am now caring for our TWO little boys under my husband’s financial provision. This has led us to make quite a few lifestyle changes, and really forced us to depend on the Lord. He is amazing in how He has provided for us in this transition!
All in all, it has already been quite the journey and we want to share with you the tips and tricks we’ve uncovered along the way, but we also want to hear from you! Let us know if you try something we recommend or found other solutions because we’re in it with you.
We are following the Lord’s will for our family after stepping out in faith. We’ve made changes going from two incomes to one, moving our family to a different state and learning how to live frugally while maintaining our joy. Follow us for more info!